
Whether you’re a beach lover or not, this beautiful image will catch your attention with its blend of colors and textures. If you like nothing better than spending a day with sand, surf, and sun, this mural will put you in a beach state of mind. However, even those who don’t love the beach will find so much to love in this image, including the beautiful turquoise water on the left, the white sand on the right, and the region in between where the wave texture becomes pale blue, and the wet sand turns faintly pink. The almost universal appeal of this image makes it a great choice for almost any space, though it’s especially appropriate for people and businesses trying to evoke a relaxed vacation feel. Choose from a range of standard sizes or customize the image to fit your space—this image truncates well vertically to fit long halls and wide walls.

Aerial Beach Wall Mural


Whether you’re a beach lover or not, this beautiful image will catch your attention with its blend of colors and textures. If you like nothing better than spending a day with sand, surf, and sun, this mural will put you in a beach state of mind. However, even those who don’t love the beach will find so much to love in this image, including the beautiful turquoise water on the left, the white sand on the right, and the region in between where the wave texture becomes pale blue, and the wet sand turns faintly pink. The almost universal appeal of this image makes it a great choice for almost any space, though it’s especially appropriate for people and businesses trying to evoke a relaxed vacation feel. Choose from a range of standard sizes or customize the image to fit your space—this image truncates well vertically to fit long halls and wide walls.

  • $49.99